Digital Transformation

Joerg Michaelis

With some of the most dynamic markets in the world, the Middle East poses unique challenges across industries. The digital payment landscape is no exception.

Faced with a daunting project requiring extensive digital transformation, a top consulting firm reached out to our team at Sharp Minds. Their goal was to bring an antiquated national payment infrastructure into the digital age. By joining forces with our experienced consultants at Sharp Minds, our client launched and scaled a revolutionary digital payment solution with widespread public adoption.

Whether for digital transformation or beyond, we invite you to partner with our results-driven consultants at Sharp Minds today. We can be reached via phone at +971 50 208 7537 or email at


At the onset of the project, our consultants identified a major oversight in the planning process. Although our client outlined a broad strategy, they lacked specific milestones, risk assessments, and contingency plans. The project also ran a substantial risk of public reputation damage if the pilot programs encountered challenges before the broader launch.

Additionally, the massive scope of the project threatened to make unplanned pivots during the execution process both cumbersome and costly. Having encountered each of these challenges before, our consultants were well-equipped to develop proactive solutions.


For large-scale projects, prioritization is key to achieving optimal results. In turn, our consultants developed solutions that digitalized the highest-priority aspects of the ecosystem first. To address the oversights encountered at the beginning of the project, our consultants began interviewing key stakeholders across the entire ecosystem. The added detail was instrumental in developing a more robust plan to digitalize the payment infrastructure.

Next, a series of scalable pilot programs were designed to test, iterate, and refine the implementation process. These pilot programs included clear communication with the public to set expectations regarding potential challenges, thereby avoiding reputation damage. From there, our consultants played an active role in refining the strategy as new operational considerations arose throughout the execution phase. Through proactive planning, each refinement had been anticipated and outlined in the contingency plans. These solutions made a measurable impact that far exceeded our client’s expectations.


By learning from the most successful pilot programs, our consultants quickly scaled the digital payment solution. Through a combination of public and private sector partnerships, the solution achieved rapid adoption throughout the main urban centers. With global aspirations, our client is continuing to reshape their economy as part of a multi-year initiative toward widespread digital payment use. Their success is a testament to the multidisciplinary expertise of our consultants.

Adept at developing proactive, actionable solutions for virtually any business objective, our seasoned consultants at Sharp Minds bring decades of combined expertise to the table. With a collaborative approach, these leaders operate as an extension of the teams we work with to tackle some of the world’s most ambitious challenges. For inquiries, we encourage you to reach out via phone at +971 50 208 7537 or email at

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