Thought Leadership

How Generative AI Is Shaping Tomorrow’s Enterprises

As businesses across industries look for innovative ways to incorporate Artificial Intelligence (AI) into their workflows, all signs are pointing toward the integration of generative AI.

This innovation promises to learn and adapt in a similar manner to a human. Unlike today’s chatbots, however, tomorrow’s generative AI will be better suited for your company’s unique workflows. In light of these advancements, a key question arises…

How will humans work with the next generation of AI? Let’s see what the future has in store.

Accessing Generative AI

Although the mass popularization of AI has come through large language models (LLMs), tomorrow’s employees are most likely to leverage generative AI through “AI agents”.

To understand AI agents, we should first discuss what makes them different from LLMs. Accessible through chat interfaces, LLMs rely on natural language prompts to perform tasks.

Whether that’s answering questions, generating spreadsheets, creating images, or even browsing the internet, these models rely on extensive databases and integrations to function.

So what sets AI agents apart?

The answer is connectivity. High-performance AI agents are expected to work from the same level of instruction or less than what you would give a human employee. From there, they perform tasks by leveraging a myriad of connections, such as:

•    POS systems

•    Internal databases

•    External sensors

•    CRM platforms

•    Socialmedia channels

•    IoT devices

•    Cloud environments

•    And much more 

AI agents also use feedback loops to improve performance over time. Here, feedback can come from internal KPIs or external guidance from a human supervisor. This leads us to our next question…

Working Alongside AI Agents

Today, many traditional employees feel at risk of AI taking their jobs. While these fears are not unfounded, humans will still play a key role in the workplace.

Take, for example, the invention of the automated switchboard. Although manual switchboard operators found themselves out of work, a mosaic of new positions arose, such as maintenance technicians and telecommunications experts.

The same will be true for many jobs displaced by AI agents. Despite their autonomy, these digital coworkers will still require quality assurance checkpoints, privacy safeguards, and even manual course corrections during performance misalignments.

While the possibility exists for AI agents to manage other AI agents, humans will remain instrumental in the near term. Those who can successfully integrate AI agents first, however, will gain a significant first-mover advantage.

How Can Your Business Stay Ahead of the AI Curve? 

Although the widespread availability and adoption of generative AI is in its earliest stages, proactive businesses can take steps to prepare. That’s where our AI consultants at Sharp Minds can help.

With deep AI, ML, and LLM expertise, these industry leaders can help guide you toward more flexible and productive workflows with room for AI integrations. That’s all while tailoring their approach to the processes powering your bottom line.

For business inquiries, we encourage you to reach out today. Give us a call at +971 50 208 7537 or send us an email at to get started. Thank you for reading!

Joerg Michaelis Photo
Joerg Michaelis

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